SEO for WordPress

Follow the instructions for Search Engine Optimization of every page on your WordPress website. This will help the page appear in search results on Google, Bing, and other search engines.

Edit SEO Settings

  1. Identify the focus keyword for the page you are editing.
  2. Keep track of each page and the keyword in a spreadsheet.
  3. Edit the page in WordPress and scroll down to SEO Settings.
  4. Update the Meta Title and Meta Description.
Screenshot of SEO framework
Make sure to include your target keyword in your Meta Title and Meta Description. The example above uses the keyword ‘Mizzou Rec membership’.

SEO Tips

  • Keep your Meta Title to 55 characters or less
  • Keep your Meta Description to 155 characters or less
  • Include you keyword in the title and description if possible

Have questions? Create a request with the Digital Service team.